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APTA National - ABPTS Oncology Specialty Application Reviewers

Signup Deadline: 06-21-2024
Starts: 07-01-2024
Ends: 12-31-2025


The American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (ABPTS), the governing body for certification and recertification for clinical specialists in physical therapy, is accepting nominations from board-certified clinical specialists in Oncologic Physical Therapy to fill 12 positions as application reviewers. Specialists would review initial certification applications or three-year maintenance of specialist certification (MOSC) cycle applications. Reviewers would commit to reviewing 12-15 initial applications, or up to 20 MOSC applications per year, or both. Participation as a reviewer and successfully fulfilling review obligations will earn the specialist 1 credit to be applied to their MOSC application, per year as a reviewer. Appointments will be for 1.5-year terms beginning July 1, 2024, and ending December 31, 2025.

Eligibility Requirements:
The following criteria are considered in the selection of qualified reviewers: 1) must be a board-certified physical therapist in the designated specialty area; 2) must have completed at least one three-year MOSC cycle in the designated specialty area (applicable to MOSC reviewer candidates only); 3) willingness to serve and to complete the online reviewer training; 4) years of experience as a physical therapist and specialist; 5) clinical background and areas of expertise; 6) geographic diversity (Councils are seeking a reviewer pool that represents specialty practice across different regions of the US); and 7) prior experience as a reviewer.
Preference will be given to candidates with past initial and/or MOSC application review experience.

For additional details about this position, you may contact specialist certification program staff at spec-cert@apta.org. ABPTS will make all reviewer appointments in early July.

Volunteers Needed:

12 (6 open slots)

Experience Required:

2 to 3 years volunteer experience


Ian Hunter