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IL Chapter: Committee Forming: Membership & Engagement

Signup Deadline: 08-30-2019
Starts: 09-28-2019
Ends: 06-15-2020


Westernpubnight2.jpgOur organization is only as strong as the strength of our membership.  Are you interested in helping to progress our organization by increasing membership?  Have you ever invited new professionals or colleagues to a meeting, course or conference?  Are you quick to share your IPTA experiences with non-members?  Have you ever wondered what we, as an organization, could do to reach more professionals?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, you might be just who we are looking for!  The IPTA is currently recruiting individuals to help strengthen our membership by transitioning early career/ young professionals, employing grassroots campaigning to non-members and strategically recapturing lapsed members. 

A select group will be chosen to work together to accomplish some exciting new projects over the next 18 months.
If you are interested in being part of this, simply complete the application and submit in order to be considered for appointment by the Board of Directors.

The Membership & Engagement Committee is being formed by the IPTA Board of Directors for the purpose of fulfilling objectives of the 2019-2020 Strategic Plan that focus on three areas: Early Career, New Members, and Member Recapture.
Goal 3:   IPTA will increase member engagement and involvement.
Increase membership: Develop an early career retention plan by the end of 2019 and implement in 2020.                          
Measure: Increase in early career starter dues 1 level, goal of 20% increase in 2020.

The committee is tasked with completing following according to the timeline provided:
  1. Evaluate content of ’Welcome to the Start of Your Career!’ - email sent to new PT and PTA graduates from Early Career PT and PTA Board Liaisons (5/2019) and suggest content for December graduate messaging. (11/15/2019).
  2. Research and determine the PT and PTA social media pages for groups/classes/school program that currently exist and report to the board any observations and recommendations regarding their purpose and use. (12/1/19).
  3. Recruit early career professionals to participate with Matthew in PT and PTA school program visits. (ongoing)
  4. Collect information about lapsing early career members – why don’t they renew? This could be in the form of a survey, focus groups or online/virtual focus groups with a report of findings to board for the January 2020 meeting (12/31/19).
  5. Create a personal invitation plan where current early career members personally (email/phone call) invite another early career member to participate in a upcoming event. (December 2019)
  6. Create a proposal for implementing “pop up” pub nights at local venues that would encourage dialogue and networking between PT/PTA professionals in a more organic/informal atmosphere. (December 2019)
 Pilot a grassroots new member campaign from April 2019 to March 2020.
                           Measure: Increase in PT and PTA members, goal of 5% increase in 2020.
Tasks The committee is tasked with completing following according to the timeline provided:
  1. Research & Identify social medial influencers who can promote the value of membership and develop a plan for how they can be helpful in promoting IPTA activities and initiatives as well as sharing information about IPTA’s accomplishments. (October 2019)
  2. Coordinate with APTA to release a one-time joint email regarding national and chapter activities promoting member benefits of APTA/ITPA for members to distribute to non-members. (November 2019)
  3. Pilot a “Why I joined” segment to include in new member welcome email to help determine the current value proposition of membership and create new incentives that support these findings with proposals for new member benefits shared with board in April, 2020. (March 2020)
  4. Develop communication plan with members and non-members pursuing professional development certification to increase member engagement and retention. (Plan for May/June 2020 to contact after exam completion)
  5. Evaluate on an ongoing basis emails sent to new members to ensure that content is current, relevant, and inviting to new members. (ongoing)
  6. Develop a short (5-10 minute) presentation that members could use at a staff meeting to promote the value of membership to their colleagues and present draft to Board for feedback/approval at their January meeting. Promote approved presentation to membership and measure outcomes with report to the Board in June, 2020.
Implement a member recapture outreach plan.
                          Measure: Reinstatement of members lapsed more than 1 year, goal of 50 members reinstated in 2019 and 2020.
Tasks The committee is tasked with completing following according to the timeline provided:
  1. Research and identify social medial influencers who would be willing to share their “renewal stories.” (October 2019)
  2. Coordinate with APTA to release a joint email regarding national and chapter activities promoting membership benefits of APTA/ ITPA to distribute to 30 and 90-day lapsed members. (November 2019)
  3. Develop a “Why I re-joined” segment to include in new member welcome back email to help determine the current value proposition of membership and create new incentives that support these findings with proposals for new member benefits shared with board in April, 2020. (March 2020)
  4. Research and identify specialty groups to market renewed membership (i.e. residency and fellowship programs, employers willing to comp cost of membership, etc.) (November 2020)
  5. Create content for and evaluate on an ongoing basis emails sent to welcome back members to ensure that content is current, relevant, and inviting to members returning to the association. (ongoing)
  6. Create a personal invitation plan where current members personally (email/phone call) invite a lapsed member to participate in a upcoming event. (January 2020)
Accountability The committee is accountable to the Board of Directors.    
Constituency Members appointed by the President and approved by the Board.  Sharon Meyerhoff will serve as the staff liaison to the committee.  Emily Pisani will serve as the Board Champion and liaison between the committee and Board. The work group will seek input from others as needed to complete their tasks.
Resources: If funds are needed then a request with justification should be submitted to IPTA President. Additional resources should be requested through the assigned staff member (space, staff support, funds, information, etc). A response to the request (approval or options) will be provided within 48 hours.
Meetings: The committee will determine the number, frequency, location/format of meetings. The Chair of the committee is responsible for preparing meeting agendas, assigning responsibilities, tracking progress and completion of tasks, and preparing interim reports to the Board as requested.  The Chair will work with the assigned IPTA staff member to prepare and distribute materials in advance of each meeting. Records: The committee will appoint a member to keep meeting notes. Meeting notes and all related documents will become part of the IPTA Archives.


Membership development

Volunteers Needed:

6 (6 open slots)

Experience Required:

No experience


Colleen Flannery
Illinois Chapter