Minnesota Chapter

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APTA MN - Peer Reviewer

Signup Deadline: 07-23-2023
Starts: 07-24-2023
Ends: 07-24-2023
Location: Online Opportunity


We are seeking Peer Reviewers in these areas of practice: orthopedics (including chronic pain), neurology, pediatrics, long-term care, and home care.

Purpose of Peer Review Committee

This committee exists as a service to the Physical Therapy Profession. We aspire to help all PT Professionals practice at the top of their license. 

Peer review is a system by which peers with similar areas of expertise and licensure assess the care of a provider, using accepted practice standards and guidelines. Peer review of physical therapist services offers a framework to evaluate the processes, necessity, and appropriateness of those services.

Role of APTA Minnesota Peer Professional Practice Reviewer:

  • Represent the APTA Minnesota Peer Professional Practice Review program in accordance with approved policies, procedures, tools, and standards

  • Be objective and abide by standards and criteria contained in APTA documents 

  • Attitude: role is to help peers evolve in the quality of their practice – supporter, not a punisher 

  • Perform self-reviews and stay up-to-date

  • Apply Benefit of Doubt as applicable (define rationale to support your determination

  • All reports are directed to the Quality in Practice Coordinator, who will review and submit them to the requester. 


For those accepted, APTA Minnesota Peer Review will conduct training in the Peer Review Process (8 hours total) via live Zoom training. There will be no charge for training.

The training will consist of:

  1. Live Zoom Presentation:

    1. history of peer review and rationale for its existence;

    2. the three levels of peer review and examples of their use;

    3. orientation and training in the peer  review components;

    4. participation in a full chart review;

    5. how to write the report. ( a sample report will be written during the session

  2. On your own with guidance as needed

    1. Completion of two peer reviews including a written report

  3. Review of reports and feedback with the Quality in Practice Coordinator.

 After successful completion of the training, your name will be added to the Peer Review trainers list and will be called upon to conduct peer reviews when requests are received. The number of reviews per quarter is not set in stone and will be discussed with each person.   

Compensation for your services ($50.00 per hour). A review with report averages 1-2 hours.

In addition to conducting chart peer reviews, there will be occasional volunteer opportunities to lead pre-developed training sessions in documentation, coding, PT-PTA role delineation, and ethics. 

If you have any questions prior to completing this application, please contact Peerreview@mnapta.org

 (Note: use your APTA ID to log in if you do not see the apply button above)

Volunteers Needed:

4 (4 open slots)

Experience Required:

2 to 3 years volunteer experience


Sara Bryan
Minnesota Chapter