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IL Chapter: Workgroup Forming: Diagnostic Imaging

Signup Deadline: 08-30-2019
Starts: 09-30-2019
Ends: 01-30-2020


rainbow_xray.jpgDo you believe that physical therapists having referral for imaging privileges could increase the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare delivery, particularly in combination with direct access management?
Have you considered what stops physical therapists in Illinois from doing so, now?  Does your work place setting already accept physical therapist orders for imaging?  Do you have military or other experience that could help this work group dive into this topic and see where it leads?

The Diagnostic Imaging Workgroup is being formed by the IPTA Board of Directors for the purpose of fulfilling the following objectives of the 2019-2020 Strategic Plan:

Goal 2:   IPTA will help to transform the delivery of health care.

Objective 4. Explore opportunities for expansion in the physical therapy scope of practice.

  1. Continue to investigate rules and regulations relating to diagnostic imaging.

Measure:  Identify barriers by the end of 2019.


Tasks The workgroup is tasked with completing following according to the timeline provided:

  1. Identify intrinsic and extrinsic barriers that exist to ordering of diagnostic imaging (including but not limited to Radiography, CT, MRI, Scintigraphy and Sonography) within clinical settings including pertinent stakeholders. Provide written report of these barriers and taking into account rules, regulations, administration policies relating to hospital regulations, organization procedures, practice act (opportunity), etc. Include opportunities as well as threats or barriers.
  2. Formulate a collection of evidence that speaks to need, value, and competency of physical therapists ordering imaging (including but not limited to (including but not limited to Radiography, CT, MRI, Scintigraphy and Sonography). Resources to consider may include the body of literature that exists from safety, utilization, cost, and value.  This may involve reaching out to APTA imaging and orthopedic section’s Imaging SIG for support as well as examples that exist in the military health care system and/or pilot programs of which physical therapists order imaging.
  3. Review physical therapist competencies regarding the indications and processes relating to the ordering of imaging by the physical therapist. (May involve review of current CAPTE standards and FSBPT guideline/content, review of American College of Radiology guidelines, consultation with Illinois educational programs, clinical prediction rules or guidelines (Ottawa rules, Pittsburg knee guidelines, etc)


Present information to the IPTA Board of Directors on January 11, 2020.

Accountability The workgroup is accountable to the Board of Directors.

Constituency Members appointed by the President and approved by the Board.  Colleen Flannery will serve as the staff liaison to the workgroup.  Jeff Damaschke, PT will be the Board Champion and liaison between the workgroup and Board. The work group will seek input from others as needed to complete their tasks.

Resources: If additional funds are needed then a request with justification should be submitted to IPTA President. Additional resources should be requested through the assigned staff member (space, staff support, funds, information, etc). A response to the request (approval or options) will be provided within 48 hours.

Meetings: The workgroup will determine the number, frequency, location/format of meetings. The Chair of the workgroup is responsible for preparing meeting agendas, assigning responsibilities, tracking progress and completion of tasks, and preparing interim reports to the Board as requested.  The Chair will work with the assigned IPTA staff member to prepare and distribute materials in advance of each meeting.

Records: The workgroup will appoint a member to keep meeting notes. Meeting notes and all related documents will become part of the IPTA Archives.

Volunteers Needed:

4 (4 open slots)

Experience Required:

No experience


Colleen Flannery
Illinois Chapter