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APTA National - APTA Student Member Engagement Group Delegate 2025

Signup Deadline: 08-16-2024
Starts: 01-01-2025
Ends: 12-31-2026


APTA is seeking student volunteers to serve as the APTA Student Member Engagement Group Delegate member. 


The APTA Student Member Engagement Group delegation consists of a chief delegate, a chief delegate-elect, who serves as the second delegate, and an alternate delegate to represent the APTA Student Engagement Group in the APTA House of Delegates.

Eligibility and Selection:

Candidacy is open to all student members who are association members in good standing. A delegate of a member group may not serve concurrently as a delegate of another member group. With the exception of the Student Council chair serving as an alternate delegate, Student Council steering group members are not eligible to serve concurrently as a Student Member Engagement Group delegate. 

Student Council representatives elect a chief delegate-elect every year, who serves a two-year term: one year as delegate and one year as chief delegate. The Student Council chair serves as alternate delegate. 

A delegate (chief-elect) will be elected to begin on Jan. 1, 2025. This delegate will serve one year as a delegate and one year as chief delegate.
  • Student Delegate/Chief-Elect Jan. 1, 2025- Dec. 31, 2026 (two years)
  • A chief delegate is already in place for 2025.


  • Act in accordance with the APTA bylaws regarding the House of Delegates.
  • Prepare for the House by reviewing all motions.
  • Engage in House virtual discussions and Hub activities.
  • Represent the interests of students at the House.
  • Engage with the Student Council on related motions.
  • Host listening sessions for students on related motions open to interested stakeholders.


  • A PT or PTA student in good standing.
  • Anticipated graduation date of Jan. 1, 2026 or later.

Questions? Contact memberengagement@apta.org.

Volunteers Needed:

1 (1 open slot)

Experience Required:

No experience


Amelia Fernandez