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APTA National - Public Policy and Advocacy Committee 2025

Signup Deadline: 08-16-2024
Starts: 01-01-2025
Ends: 12-31-2027


Note for applicants:

  • APTA's Public Policy and Advocacy Committee is seeking four members to serve a three-year term. 
  •  Applications will be de-identified by name.
  • CV/resumes should not exceed five pages. Anything beyond five pages will not be reviewed. 
  •  Applicants are encouraged to thoroughly complete all sections of the application.


The Public Policy and Advocacy Committee provides strategic advice, counsel, and options to the Board of Directors regarding: 1) how APTA can be responsive to and advocate for society’s needs for health care, rehabilitation, and other services provided by physical therapists and physical therapist assistants; 2) current and emerging public policy issues impacting the provision of physical therapy, rehabilitation, and health care services, including, but not limited to, delivery systems, payment for services, public health, quality, research, education, and access to care; and, 3) how to advance the profession within public policy arenas, including but not limited to legislative and regulatory venues.  

The Board of Directors’ determined charge for the Public Policy and Advocacy Committee is to: 

  • Identify and recommend public policy priorities for APTA to the Board of DirectorsThis work will be conducted to coincide with the session of the United States Congress. 

  • Identify public policy opportunities and challenges for physical therapy and generate reports and recommendations on strategies to address these for the Board of Directors. 

  • Provide advice and counsel as requested to the Board of Directors and staff regarding the development of strategies on how to best position the physical therapy profession to meet the needs of society and the profession. 

  • Assess advocacy and member needs to empower members with information to be engaged in association policy efforts. 

  • Advise and counsel the APTA Board of Directors on proposed and existing Association policies, positions, and binding ethical documents, as requested 

  • Coordinate and collaborate with other APTA appointed groups and stakeholders, when doing so can further the work of the committee.  

  • Submit an annual report to the Board of Directors. 

All APTA appointed groups will conduct their work with the American Physical Therapy Association’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in mind and the in context of (1) APTA's Mission, Vision, Strategic Plan and House of Delegates and Board of Directors adopted positions and policies; and (2) the potential for their work to have implications related to physical therapist assistants, women, diversity, and risk management. 


Qualifications for Appointees 

Candidates must be: 

  • An APTA member in good standing.  


This committee holds one annual funded in-person meeting and meets virtually on a monthly basis, as needed. Virtual meetings will be held at 7:30 pm ET on the second Tuesday of the month in 2025. 
(Note: Meeting times will shift if this date conflicts with a holiday. Also, this committee shifts their April and May meeting dates to ensure the work of this committee is able to support the work of the APTA Board of Directors in relation to providing feedback on APTA House of Delegates motions.) 

Size of Appointed Group 

One Board Chair (APTA Vice President), 13 members, (one of which is a member of the APTA Board of Directors as selected by the APTA President), and the APTA President as ex-officio (APTA bylaws: Article VI, Section 4, A).  

Terms of Appointees 

Committee members will serve three-year terms; no appointed committee member will serve longer than one term per group. 

Volunteers Needed:

4 (4 open slots)

Experience Required:

No experience


Amelia Fernandez