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APTA National - APTA Association Leadership Scholars Program Application Reviewers 2024

Signup Deadline: 08-02-2024
Starts: 08-05-2024
Ends: 10-31-2024


APTA is seeking six volunteers to review applications for the APTA Association Leadership Scholars Program and recommend the cohort for 2025.

The APTA Association Leadership Scholars Program fosters new, diverse leaders and thinkers as they prepare to lead the association in pursuit of its vision. During the one-year program (January through December), scholars participate in a robust curriculum that covers association leadership and management topics, with activities that can include group projects and engagement opportunities. Reviewers will be assigned a number of applications to review and score against predetermined criteria. The number of applications each reviewer will be assigned will depend on the number of applications submitted; reviewers can expect to review between 10-15 applications each. 

Eligibility Requirements:
1. Must be a current PT or PTA member in good standing of APTA.
2. Must be available to review applications between August and October and attend 1-3 meetings to discuss applicants. 
3. Short-term opportunity (2-4 hours per week)

Have questions? Email memberengagement@apta.org.


Content development/review
Leadership development

Volunteers Needed:

6 (6 open slots)

Experience Required:

No experience


Amelia Fernandez