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APTA National - APTA FiRST Network Steering Group and Co-Chair 2025

Signup Deadline: 08-16-2024
Starts: 01-01-2025
Ends: 12-31-2026


The APTA Frontiers in Rehabilitation Science and Research and Technology (FiRST) Network is seeking three steering group members and one co-chair to serve one-year and two-year terms, respectively. 

The APTA FiRST Network is a community for stakeholders who have a special interest in promoting scientific and technological innovation in rehabilitation and movement sciences and in leveraging scientific and technological discoveries to advance physical therapist practice, education, and research.

• Must be a member of the APTA FiRST Network
• Must be an APTA member in good standing
• An interest in developing networking opportunities and facilitating information sharing
• A CV is required with your application
• Virtual meetings will be held in the evenings throughout the year. 
Responsibilities of the Co-chair: 
• Support chair in developing meeting agendas and networking efforts 
• Transition into the chair position in year two of term.
Responsibilities of the Steering Group: 
• Support chair and co-chair in leading and engaging the network
Please note that the term for co-chair is Jan. 1, 2025 - Dec. 31, 2026. The term for steering group is Jan. 1, 2025 - Dec. 31, 2025. 

More information on this committee may be found on the APTA website

All APTA appointed groups will conduct their work with the American Physical Therapy Association’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in mind and the context of (1) APTA's Mission, Vision, Strategic Plan and House of Delegates and Board of Directors adopted positions and policies; and (2) the potential for their work to have implications related to physical therapist assistants, women, diversity, and risk management.

Volunteers Needed:

4 (4 open slots)

Experience Required:

No experience


Amelia Fernandez