The role of the Document Committee is to support the development, maintenance, and dissemination of resource documents relevant to pediatric physical therapy. These documents include:
1. Fact Sheets
2. Evidence-Informed Documents
3. Clinical Practice Summaries
4. Administrative, Non-Clinical, and Resource Utilization Informational Sheets
5. Family and Community Resources.
The Document Committee is looking for volunteers to serve as committee members. The committee members are expected to serve for a minimum of 1 year, however most members have volunteered for several years.
Duties include:
1. Regularly attending committee meetings
2. Assisting in the development and application of guidelines for each document type
3. Coordinating with authors, Special Interest Groups (SIGs), and other committees to develop new documents.
4. Reviewing the submitted documents as per the committee’s guidelines
5. Promoting the dissemination of resource documents.
6. Assisting with updating the resource documents as needed.
No experience is needed, however the ideal candidate will have clinical experience in pediatric physical therapy and will be familiar with APTA Pediatrics Fact Sheets. Please submit your CV or resume with your application.