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Pediatrics Expert Author for Infant Prematurity - pediatric content revision for ChoosePT.com

Signup Deadline: 02-28-2025
Starts: 03-03-2025
Ends: 03-31-2025
Location: Online Opportunity


We are looking for a content expert on infant prematurity, as related to PT involvement in assessment and management. Experts will be revising evidence-informed content for an existing “symptoms and conditions guide” for APTA’s Choose PT website, our consumer education resource. You will be in communication with a ChoosePT committee liaison for the duration of your project to guide and assist as needed. Expert authors and reviewers will be credited as such on the guides.

Expertise in PT involvement in assessment and management of care for infants born prematurely; no previous volunteer experience required

Volunteers Needed:

1 (1 open slot)

Experience Required:

No experience


Kim Thompson