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IL Chapter: IPTF Careers in PT Committee Member (Term begins Jan 1, 2025)

Signup Deadline: 03-01-2025
Starts: 04-01-2025
Ends: 12-31-2026


The Illinois Physical Therapy Foundation' Careers in PT Committee works to promote the physical therapy profession as a viable career through presentations to High School and Middle School students.

There are 2 appointments to be made to fill 2 year terms beginning January 1, 2025 and finishing December 31, 2026

Report to: The IPTF Board of Directors. Written reports to the IPTF Board of Directors should be submitted as requested.

Committee Composition & Term: The committee is comprised of 5-6 members of the IPTA who serve two year terms, with half of the committee being appointed each year.

Position Objective:  To promote the physical therapy profession as a career..

Benefits: To utilize your passion for the physical therapy profession to showcase the benefits of the profession as a career path and to positively explain what is needed to become a PT or PTA. 

Specific Responsibilities:  

  • Help identify schools where presentations can be given
  • Volunteer to give school presentations
  • Solicit presenters
  • Mentor Careers in PT Ambassadors so they feel comfortable giving presentations
  • Help monitor presentation surveys and compile results
  • Help edit presentation as needed

Qualifications: Must be an IPTA PT, Retired PT, or Life PT, PTA, Retired PTA or Life PTA, SPT or SPTA member in good standing. Many of your assignments will be time sensitive; it is important to be organized and able to meet deadlines.

Volunteers Needed:

3 (3 open slots)

Experience Required:

No experience


Colleen Flannery
Illinois Chapter