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APTA National - Help Shape the Definition of Primary Care Physical Therapy – Your Perspective Needed

Starts: 10-12-2024


The Primary Care SIG of the APTA Federal Section has developed a 6-page document outlining out the definition for primary care physical therapy.  They are looking for volunteers with key interest and/or direct experience in primary care to review the document and provide input to ensure they have a variety of views on this definition. In addition, primary care physical therapy has been a topic of discussion during the APTA House of Delegates throughout the years and this is a great opportunity to help contribute your unique point of view to help shape the definition.

Review the 6-page document outlining out the definition for primary care physical therapy to provide feedback.  

Contact: Katie O'Bright at pcsig.info@gmail.com

Volunteers Needed:

200 (167 open slots)

Experience Required:

No experience


Annessa Kirby