Private Practice

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Private Practice - PT Business Bootcamp Group Facilitators

Starts: 04-01-2024
Location: Online Opportunity


 APTA Private Practice is seeking engaged Private Practice members to serve as group facilitators for the PT Business Bootcamp.  The PT Business Bootcamp provides structure to the networking needs of members by organizing and facilitating dialogue among small groups of new members and proactively connecting them with APTA Private Practice programs and resources.  By connecting and engaging early and often, new members will better understand the value proposition of APTA Private Practice membership and more actively use the resources provided.  

Groups will meet monthly at a standing time/day that is determined to work for the facilitators’ schedule.   Groups will be scheduled to meet for one year, with a monthly theme and topic discussion area provided by APTA Private Practice.  Facilitators are asked to serve with one group for the first 6 months, and then transition them to meeting without a facilitator for the second half of the year.  

Groups start quarterly (July, October, January, and April), so volunteers may specify their preferred term of service.  

View the full job description here.  

Volunteers Needed:

20 (19 open slots)

Experience Required:

No experience


Carrie Stankiewicz
APTA Private Practice