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APTA National - ORCHA-APTA Digital Health App Library Training 5/22

Signup Deadline: 05-18-2023
Starts: 05-22-2023
Ends: 05-22-2023
Location: Online Opportunity


Please join us on Monday, May 22, from 1-2pm ET, for a live 1-hour training on use of the ORCHA-APTA Digital Health App Library.

Learning objectives will include:

What is ORCHA?

Why partner with ORCHA?

Practical understanding of the ORCHA-APTA Digital Health App Library

Explanation of the app assessment framework

Tips on how to best utilize this library in your practice

At the conclusion of this training, we will invite attendee questions, and ask all attendees to complete a feedback survey on how this training session can improve. All attendees will be given access to the app library. A calendar invite for the meeting with a Teams link will be sent no later than Monday morning. 

Please email sarahamesbury@apta.org with any additional questions. Thank you for helping us to shape this valuable member resource. 

Volunteers Needed:

100 (79 open slots)

Experience Required:

No experience


Sarah Amesbury