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APTA Geriatrics GeriEDGE Chair/Co-Chair

Signup Deadline: 01-19-2024
Starts: 02-15-2024
Ends: 02-06-2027
Location: Online Opportunity


Qualifications of GeriEDGE Chair:

·       Must be a member of the APTA Geriatrics and maintain a working email address in APTA's database

·       Clinical Researcher/Academic with strong background in measurement and/or clinimetrics

·       Strong organizational skills

·       Strong group management skills

·       Scientific writing skills

·       Presentation skills

Chair responsibilities include:

The GeriEDGE chair(s) oversees the committee and manages the development of evidence-based documents (such as systematic reviews).

1.     The GeriEDGE Chair(s) guides the committee in determining specific priorities, which will be approved by the AGPT Board of Directors, to address assessment of health conditions commonly seen in older adults.

2.     At the direction of the BOD approved task forces and work groups, help APTAG staff with the development of APTA Engage postings for volunteer positions and/or work through networks and may make personnel recommendations for appointment to a work group. 

3.     The Chair(s) is/are responsible for the vetting of applicants with the Director overseeing practice by coordinating the applicant review process, communicating with the applicants, reviewing applications, soliciting additional information, as appropriate, with assistance from APTAG Executive director and/or APTAG designated staff.

4.     The Chair(s) will oversee and manage task force and work group activities.

a.     The Chair(s) will establish task force / work group leaders if leadership roles were not already assigned by the President.

b.     The Chair(s) will establish a standing reporting schedule with all task forces and work groups.

c.     The Chair(s) will oversee any external reporting requirements (such as APTA grant funding).

d.     The Chair(s) will make requests for resources and/or funding requests through the director overseeing practice.

5.     The Chair(s) working with the director overseeing practice will provide reporting on task force and workgroup activities on a regular basis.

6.     The Chair(s) may be appointed to a GDG or work group at the discretion of the APTAG President with input from the director overseeing practice.

7.     The Chair(s) liaises with the EBD committee chair, Knowledge Translation committee chair, and Research committee chair to align EDGE work with other works from the guideline development groups, and coordinate dissemination efforts with the knowledge translation committee and align work with the research agenda maintained by the research committee.

a.     communicates (at least quarterly) with AGPT Director of Practice and chairs of EBD, KT, and Research as appropriate.

8.     The Chair(s) prepares grant applications and progress reports as appropriate.

9.     The Chair(s) prepares budget request following AGPT timeline & requirements.

10. The Chair(s) schedules, initiates, and keep minutes of conference calls between GeriEDGE committee and taskforces/work groups.

11. The Chair(s) coordinates reimbursement requests from grant monies etc. for team



Volunteers Needed:

2 (2 open slots)

Experience Required:

No experience


Kim Thompson