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IL Chapter: iMAP Co Chair (Term begins Jan 1, 2024)

Signup Deadline: 10-30-2023
Starts: 01-01-2024
Ends: 12-31-2025


iMAP:  Inspire, Mentor, and Participate!

iMAP is the Illinois Physical Therapy Association's mentoring program. IPTA offers the iMAP mentoring program to all of its members.

iMAP pairs seasoned PT professionals with students and early career members (less than 5 years’ experience) for a professional mentoring relationship. 

iMAP mentoring relationships are based on experience, so anyone can take part in this great opportunity. Mentors and protégés focus on professional growth, development, and association participation.

  • Flexible time commitment: iMAP partners can meet in person, but just as frequently they also communicate by phone, email, or even Skype.
  • Beneficial to both protégés and mentors: Mentorship relationships can aid in improved job satisfaction, leadership development, and ability to self-assess.
  • Easy to get started: It will take less than 10 minutes to fill out the demographic information required to begin your mentorship search.  

The IPTA is currently accepting volunteer applications from those interested in chairing the iMAP program.

The iMAP Chair and Vice Chair are appointed positions for the iMAP program. Actively demonstrating mentorship roles, the Chair & Vice Chair establishes their own mentor/protegee relationship. The iMAP Chair is responsible for organizing, supervising, and reporting to the IPTA Board of Directors all activities for the mentorship program. The iMAP Chair mentors the Vice Chair for one year and then the Vice Chair transitions to the Chair role for one year.

Report to: The IPTA President and Board of Directors. Written reports to the Board of Directors should be submitted for the five meetings and the Assembly of Representatives, and as requested.

Committee Composition &Term: The iMAP Chair and Co Chair positions are appointed by the IPTA President with approval from the IPTA Board of Directors. The position calls for a two year consecutive term, in which the first year will be served as CoChair preparing for the second year as Chair.

Position Objective: The positions were created to ensure that that iMAP has a means to provide organization and structure as a priority for our members.

Specific Responsibilities: The responsibilities of the Chair are to organize iMAP events, the recruitment and pairing of mentors and their protégées, and report all activities to IPTAs Board of Directors. The Chair will hold responsibility for participants concerns, complaints and issues, The Chair will monitor/ manage the budget, attend Early Career events as they make opportunity for networking and program promotion, and they will send quarterly/ semiannual emails and newsletters to the iMAP participants with responsibility of find content, conducting interviews, and providing timely information. The Chair will also organize the yearly reviews of the partnerships, to measure efficiency and satisfaction in the program. Actively demonstrating their mentorship roles, the role of the Co- Chair will shadow and be a mentee for the Chair (mentor) in all the above responsibilities as training for their role as Chair for the following year.

Time Commitment: The amount of time dedicated to the responsibilities varies based on the programs and projects the iMAP program take on, as well as those duties and time commitments the IPTA BOD request of him/her.

Qualifications: Must be an IPTA PT, Retired PT, Life PT, PTA, Retired PT, Life PTA,SPT, or SPTA member in good standing. In order to be successful in this role, basic computer skills are desirable. Many of your assignments will be time sensitive; it is important to be organized and able to meet deadlines. Although not required, creativity and an interest in advertising and marketing is welcomed. The Co Chair is open to applicants who are students with an interest or background in mentorship.

Training and Support: The Chapter office provides annual volunteer orientation as well as ongoing administrative and clerical support for the Chair and Co Chair. Access to resource documents and information is available through www.IPTA.org. In addition, you will have opportunities to participate in APTA’s various training opportunities that are relevant to your role. This may include programs/webinars relating to leadership development, membership and more.

Recourse: The IPTA places great value on the relationship between members, staff, and businesses working together to further our mission. The IPTA also recognizes that there may be occasions when conflicts arise. If such circumstance occurs, please consult with the IPTA President and Executive Director.

Evaluation: The IPTA BOD President will contact you before the completion of your term for feedback on your volunteer experience. This will be used to update this committee description, develop appropriate materials, and effectively orient future IPTA volunteers.


Community outreach
Content development/review
Diversity & Inclusion
Early Career
Leadership development
Membership development
Professional development
Prospective Student Recruitment
Public awareness
Social media
Speaking engagements
Writing articles or blog posts

Volunteers Needed:

1 (1 open slot)

Experience Required:

No experience


Colleen Flannery
Illinois Chapter