Minnesota Chapter

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APTA MN - PT Board of Director Nomination July 2024-June 2027

Signup Deadline: 01-31-2024
Starts: 07-01-2024
Ends: 06-30-2027
Location: Online Opportunity


This application can be used to nominate yourself or another member

Position Description
APTA MN Board of Director



  1. To provide the mechanism for carrying out the mandates and policies of the Chapter as determined by the Chapter membership. 

  1. To provide a body which may act on behalf of the Chapter between Chapter meetings 


Term of Office 

This is an elected three-year position. Individuals can serve no more than two terms in the same position and no more than three consecutive terms on the Board of Directors. Duties are assumed July 1. 



  1. Dissemination of information to the membership. 

  1. Serve on special task forces as assigned by the president. 

  1. Be visible to the membership throughout his/her two-year term of office. 

  1. Abide by all duties outlined in Chapter Bylaws as listed below 

  1. Carry out the mandates and policies of the Chapter as determined by the membership. 

  1. Transact business for the Chapter, subject to the provisions of these Bylaws. 

  1. Create and determine purposes and establish priorities for committees as it deems necessary to carry out the mandates and policies of the Chapter. 

  1. Inform Chapter members regarding communications from the Association for their opinion, and/or vote. 

  1. Publish these Bylaws. 

  1. Provide for development and maintenance of procedural documents related to these Bylaws. 

  1. Review and revise existing Chapter policies, except in these Bylaws, for consistency of intent and language with new policies as may be adopted by the House of Delegates. 

  1. As requested by the Executive Committee, approve official outside correspondence. 

  1. Dissemination of information to the membership 

  1. Read and abide by APTA MN Policy and Procedure Manual. 

  1. Direct all business and financial affairs for, and on behalf, of the Chapter. 

  1. Receive and act on petitions to establish districts within the state. 

  1. Recommend to the President appointments of individual members to represent the Chapter to outside organizations and agencies (member liaison to external organization). 

  1. Encouraged to attend two additional chapter support events. 


Financial Commitments (suggested): 

  1. Promote and support the MN PT PAC. 



  1. Member in good standing in the APTA and APTA Minnesota. 

  1. Preferably has served as a committee member for the last two years. 

  1. Has sufficient knowledge of APTA MN structure to direct inquiries to the appropriate committee/areas of responsibility. 

  1. Commitment to the Chapter's strategic plan and goals. 

  1. Has good planning, organizational and leadership skills. 

  1. Has effective oral and written communication skills. 

    Attendance/Workload Expectations 

    1. Spring Conference (in person presence on the day of primary conference programming) 

    1. All Board of Directors meetings attended remotely via video conferencing. The Board meets a minimum of 8 times per year. Meetings are typically 2 hours in length and scheduled in the evening. The Board tries to meet in person two times per year - fall for Strategic planning retreat and June.

    1. Any additional Board of Director’s retreats, planning meetings, etc. 

    1. Board members may spend 2-4 hours/month outside of Board meetings on related work tasks. 



    Submit a letter of resignation to the Chapter President. 



    Dismissal is by the Board of Directors. Grounds for dismissal include: 

    1. Noncompliance with Chapter policies and procedures or unethical conduct as outlined in the APTA Code of Ethics. 

    1. Failure to perform the duties as delineated in this position description. 

    1. Failure to attend Board of Director or other essential meetings. 




Volunteers Needed:

2 (2 open slots)

Experience Required:

2 to 3 years volunteer experience


James Leahy
Minnesota Chapter