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APTA National Volunteer Opportunity The NQF Focus on HARM Initiative Technical Expert Panel

Signup Deadline: 05-01-2024
Starts: 07-01-2024
Ends: 09-30-2024


The Focus on HARM (Harmonizing Accountability in Reporting and Monitoring) initiative is now accepting nominations for its Technical Expert Panel (TEP) to update the Serious Reportable Events (SRE) list. This TEP will review candidate events for an updated SRE list and establish implementation guidance for included events. The goal of this update will be to develop a unified, consensus-based, updated list that reflects changes to how and where care is delivered in today’s environment.


We are specifically seeking experts in patient safety event review, classification, and reporting. Nominations from all interested parties are welcome. For more information about the Focus on HARM initiative, please see the

About the Project 

NQF’s Focus on HARM (Harmonizing Accountability in Reporting and Monitoring) is a patient safety initiative that aims to reduce preventable harm by first modernizing the criteria for what constitutes an SRE and aligning standards for reporting such events across different accountability systems—an essential step to strengthen efforts to pinpoint and address the causes of preventable harm. 

Focus on HARM, a multi-stage public-private initiative, is addressing long-standing deficiencies in our nation’s ability to systematically measure, trend, and report patient safety events. This initiative is designed to drive sustainable reduction of preventable harm events.  


Policy and Administration

Volunteers Needed:

1 (1 open slot)

Experience Required:

4 to 6 years volunteer experience


Alicemae Bell