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Pediatrics – Practice Editorial Committee Chair

Signup Deadline: 02-15-2024
Starts: 03-01-2024
Ends: 03-01-2026
Location: Online Opportunity


If interested in this position, please send your CV to afiss@twu.edu.
The role of the Editorial Committee is to facilitate high standards and accuracy related to documents produced within the APTA Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapists. 
The role of the Editorial Chair is to:
• Select and maintain a diverse committee composed of individuals representing varied levels of experience, varied areas of expertise, and varied areas of the country. 
• Seek well qualified content experts from therapists in clinical practice, academia, and research.
• Provide feedback for needed revisions to initiators of documents.
• Track document revisions and submit final documents to the Director of Practice or other Director as appropriate. 
The Editorial Committee Chair reports directly to the Director of Practice and coordinates with other areas of practice by participating in monthly meetings of the Practice Leadership Group as well as through individual communication.
Experience Required:
• Have served at some time on the Editorial Committee or as chair of another committee participating in the Practice Leadership Group.
• Demonstrate strong background in editorial skills and evidence-based professional writing.
• Be passionate about the quality, accuracy, and evidence base of material published on the APTA Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy website.


Content development/review

Volunteers Needed:

1 (1 open slot)

Experience Required:

No experience


Christina McCoy
APTA Pediatrics