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APTA National – ABPTS Oncologic Specialty Council Nominations 2022

Signup Deadline: 08-20-2021
Starts: 01-01-2022
Ends: 01-01-2023


The American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (ABPTS), the governing body for certification and recertification for clinical specialists in physical therapy, is accepting nominations from board-certified clinical specialists in oncologic physical therapy to fill one position on the Oncology Specialty Council. Appointments are for four-year terms beginning January 1, 2022.

Eligibility Requirements:
Individuals seeking appointment to ABPTS and the Specialty Councils must have the following qualifications: 1) must be a board-certified physical therapist in the specialty area; 2) show evidence of effective group participation; and 3) demonstrate the ability to complete tasks in a timely manner. Preference will be given to candidates with past exam development and item writing experience.

For additional details about this position, you may review the requirements and responsibilities of appointed members to ABPTS specialty councils. ABPTS will make all specialty council appointments during its September 2021 meeting for these terms, beginning on January 1, 2022.

Volunteers Needed:

1 (1 open slot)

Experience Required:

2 to 3 years volunteer experience


Tara Esmaeili