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APTA National - Student Discord for 2024 House of Delegates

Signup Deadline: 07-12-2024
Starts: 07-21-2024
Ends: 07-22-2024
Location: Online Opportunity


This network is a way for PT and PTA student members to be more directly involved with and have a better understanding of APTA's House of Delegates. Students make up nearly one third of APTA membership, and input from students on House motions by way of both the APTA Student Council Student Chief Delegate and Student Delegate is highly sought out and valuable. A highly engaged network will ensure that the Student Delegates accurately represent the perspectives of all student members by directly informing the Delegates on key issues.

More specifically, the network will serve as a way for the Student Delegates to receive feedback on APTA House of Delegate motions and policy issues from student members who agree to be contacted for this purpose. As motions and concepts are brought forward, the network will receive intermittent requests to give written feedback via email and/or to join other students on a conference call discussing a specific issue.

We will host this network on the Discord app platform. Once students select the "Sign Up Today!" button at the top of this page, they will be contacted directly to receive a link to Discord.

Signing up allows you to share your perspective on House policy with the Student Delegates and the APTA Student Council and allow us to best represent you in the 2024 House of Delegates. You can determine how involved you want to be, whether that means participating in every request for input or simply commenting on one or two. We understand that being a student comes first.

Have questions? Email memberengagement@apta.org. 


Student opportunities

Volunteers Needed:

1000 (863 open slots)

Experience Required:

No experience


Amelia Fernandez