Are you looking to get involved in a meaningful way that does not require much time? Become a key contact! The State Government Affairs committee relies on key contacts to email or call their state legislators when important issues arise.
A Key Contact can participate in any or all of the following activities:
· Contacting their legislator via phone, email or mail
· Meeting with and providing information to their legislator (s)
· APTA MN's Legislative Day
· Helping with a candidate's election campaign
· Attending Legislative hearing
If you agree to serve as a Key Contact:
· The Chapter will provide you with background information and talking points on each issue as they develop
· We will rely on you to make timely contact with your legislator when notified
· We may ask you to come to a meeting with your legislator if you are able to do so (constituents matter)
· You will be the one person in your district that we can rely on to make contact when it is necessary
· We will ask the rest of the members in your district to make contact when it is appropriate to do so.
Committee Purpose
The APTA Minnesota State Government Affairs Committee advocates on behalf of the physical therapy profession and for PT patients at the state level, by monitoring and directing legislative efforts primary at the state legislative level that may impact physical therapy or the individuals we serve.
Goals Include:
Shaping the chapter’s position on legislative issues and building relationships with MN policy makers in order to better serve our patients
Inform our members of policy changes at the state and national level, including issues that may impact payment and access
(Note: use your APTA ID to log in if you do not see the apply button above)