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Student & New Professionals SIG Podcast Committee Member

Signup Deadline: 10-31-2022
Starts: 11-07-2022
Ends: 01-01-2023


We are looking for a small group of volunteers to join the SNP SIG Podcast Committee. The volunteers will research episodes and plan cohesive topics to create a season. Volunteers will also learn how to communicate with interviewees, host an episode, and edit podcast episodes. Applicants are asked to submit a CV and e-mail of interest to Josie Kautsky, pedssnpcomm@gmail.com - or create a Youtube or social media response rather than essay. Questions can be directed to pedssnpcomm@gmail.com.


Early Career
Student opportunities

Volunteers Needed:

5 (5 open slots)

Experience Required:

No experience


Christina McCoy
APTA Pediatrics