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Pediatrics - SIG Chair: Adolescents and Adults with Diverse Abilities

Signup Deadline: 12-31-2023
Starts: 02-18-2024
Ends: 02-18-2027


If interested in this position, please email your CV to Lori Bartleson; aaddsig@gmail.com.

Provide opportunities for SIG members to meet, confer, and promote patient care through education, clinical practice, and research. Serve as a general resource/point of contact on the SIG topic area.  Send out a newsletter to SIG members at least annually.   Host a virtual SIG business meeting at least annually. Work with the APTA Academy of Pediatrics Annual Conference (Peds AC) Planning Committee and/or CSM Program Committee to plan an annual SIG meeting/gathering, to be held at Peds AC and/or at CSM.  Work with the APTA Peds AC Committee to plan a track at the Academy of Pediatrics Annual Conference.  Fulfill general SIG responsibilities (i.e. fulfill communication and reporting requirements; contribute to the APTA Academy of Pediatrics newsletter and update website as appropriate; respond to member queries).

Make a lasting contribution to the APTA Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy. Contribute to motions that make a difference to AADA SIG members and the practice of pediatric physical therapy. Work with people who, like you, have a passion for pediatric physical therapy. Travel and per diem (specific number of days are listed in the Academy’s Annual Budget) may be funded by the Academy to attend APTA’s Combined Sections Meeting and/or Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy Annual Conference. Those funded are expected to attend all pertinent meetings, as well as any additional meetings specific to the position that may be appropriate.


Knowledge translation
Leadership development
Meeting planning
Professional development

Volunteers Needed:

1 (1 open slot)

Experience Required:

4 to 6 years volunteer experience


Christina McCoy
APTA Pediatrics