Minnesota Chapter

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APTA MN - Chief Delegate Nomination July 2024 - June 2027

Signup Deadline: 01-31-2024
Starts: 07-01-2024
Ends: 06-30-2027
Location: Online Opportunity


This application can be used to nominate yourself or another member


Position Description 



Represent APTA MN at the House of Delegates. https://www.apta.org/HOD/ 


Term of Office 

This is an elected three-year position. Individuals can serve a maximum of two consecutive terms as chief delegate. The position will start at the end of the HOD annual meeting of the year elected. 


Chief Delegate Responsibilities 

  1. Mentor new delegates 

  1. Plan and conduct meetings prior to HOD to prepare MN delegates for elections and motions 

  1. Attend C/S/A meetings-online during the year / onsite at HOD and CSM (if in attendance) 

  1. Submit official Roster of delegates to the HOD 

  1. Serve as a co-chair of the Midwest Caucus (this is a rotating position amongst Midwest Chief Delegates) 

  1. Represent APTA MN membership on House of Delegate (HOD) motions and elections for national office. (note: the MN delegation vote individually) 

  1. Stay abreast of HOD activities / discussions /decisions in order to inform and educate APTA MN members. 

  1. Seek input of APTA MN membership on HOD motions and elections prior to the HOD annual meeting 

  1. Participate in the delegate forum at the APTA MN Annual State Meeting 

  1. Abide by all decisions of the APTA MN Board of Directors. 


Financial Commitments (suggested): 

  1. Promote and support the APTA MN PAC 

  1. Contribute to the PT-PAC (national physical therapy political action committee) Note: 100% participation is strongly encouraged at the HOD annual meeting 



  1. Member in good standing with APTA MN. (compliance with association ethical standards, member of APTA, license not under suspension or revocation) 

  1. Membership: Must be an APTA member for a minimum of 2 years immediately preceding the start of the HOD session. Any lapse in membership over 30 days excludes serving as a delegate. 

2.  Commitment to the Chapter’s strategic plan and goals. 


Additional preferred qualifications 

Prior service to the APTA MN / APTA 


Attendance Expectations 

  1. Annual Conference. 

  1. Annual APTA House of Delegate meeting. 

  1. Attend all HOD pre and post meetings. 

  1. Attend all Chapter Caucus and Midwest Caucus meetings at annual conference. 

  1. Attend all sessions of House of Delegates at annual conference. 



Submit a letter of resignation to the Chapter President. 



Dismissal is by the Board of Directors. Ground for dismissal include: 

  1. Noncompliance with Chapter policies and procedures or unethical conduct as outlined in the APTA Code of Ethics. 

  1. Failure to perform the duties as delineated in this position description. 

  1. Failure to attend House of Delegate meetings or other essential meetings. 

  1. Failure to maintain “good status” standard 



See Finance Committee Policies and Procedures. 




Volunteers Needed:

1 (1 open slot)

Experience Required:

2 to 3 years volunteer experience


James Leahy
Minnesota Chapter