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APTA Magazine Seeking Work-Life Balance Success Stories

Signup Deadline: 09-22-2023
Starts: 10-01-2023
Ends: 10-01-2023
Location: Online Opportunity


In an upcoming issue of APTA Magazine, we will be covering the topic of work-life balance. We are looking for APTA members to share their stories on how they have sought to find a balance between the pressures of being a PT or PTA and the demands on their home lives.

If you would like to be considered as a source for this feature story, please click "Apply Today" to answer a few questions about your experience with this "juggling act." We're hoping to provide relevant and useful resources to our members about how they can try to achieve a healthy work-life balance, with helpful tips and suggestions from PTs and PTAs who have been there before.

Please note:

  • This opportunity is open to all APTA members. 
  • Responses may be edited for clarity, style, and space.
  • We will publish the author’s full name and title in the story.
  • All published responses will become the copyrighted property of APTA.
  • Submitting a story does not guarantee that it will be published, and APTA does not need to provide a reason for failing to feature a submitted response. We will contact you prior to sharing your submission. You may also be asked for additional information and/or to participate in an interview on this topic.
  • Please upload a photo of yourself that we may publish along side of your story. 

Volunteers Needed:

20 (15 open slots)

Experience Required:

No experience


Leah Fogarty