APTA National - Finance Committee 2024

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APTA National - Finance Committee 2024

Signup Deadline: 08-21-2023
Starts: 01-01-2024
Ends: 12-31-2026


APTA is seeking one member to serve a three-year term on the Finance Committee. 
The Bylaws of the American Physical Therapy Association (Article VII, Section I., A) provide that this committee shall:
(1) Advise the Board on matters pertaining to the Association’s financial needs, growth, and stability based on periodic review of income, expenditure, and investments. 
(2) Present an annual budget to the Board for adoption. 
In addition to the directives as indicated in the APTA bylaws, the Board of Directors’ determined charge for the Finance Committee is to:
•  Review the annual budget to ensure that it is sound from a financial perspective and make a recommendation to the Board of Directors.
•  Participate in the financial information session for component leaders at APTA’s Combined Sections Meeting.
•  Review quarterly financial information and provide feedback to the Treasurer.
•  Review the investment policy and make recommendations to modify the policy when necessary.
•  Review business activities and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.
•  Coordinate and collaborate with other APTA appointed groups and stakeholders, when doing so can further the work of the committee. 
•  Submit a report to the Board of Directors on an annual basis.
All APTA appointed groups will conduct their work with the American Physical Therapy Association’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in mind and in the context of (1) APTA's Mission, Vision, Strategic Plan and House of Delegates and Board of Directors adopted positions and policies; and (2) the potential for their work to have implications related to physical therapist assistants, women, diversity, and risk management.
Qualifications for Appointees  
Candidates should have:
•  Experience with nonprofit finance (e.g., component treasurer or other component leadership role).
•  Proven financial leadership in professional capacities. 
•  Ability to see the big picture but also understand the subtleties of nonprofit finance.
This committee meets in person annually and on an as-needed basis throughout the year via conference call.
Size of Appointed Group
The APTA bylaws, Article VII., Section 1., A., provides that “The Finance Committee shall consist of the Treasurer, who shall serve as chair, and at least five members, all of whom shall be Physical Therapist or Physical Therapist Assistant members.” 
The Finance Committee will comprise one Board Chair (APTA Treasurer), and five members, and APTA President serving as ex-officio (APTA bylaws: Article VI, Section 4, A., 3., and Article VII., Section I, A). In addition, the President shall designate one member of the Board to serve as a consultant to the committee.
Terms of Appointees
The APTA bylaws, Article VII., Section 1., A., provides that “Members other than the Treasurer shall serve a term of three years. At least one member shall be appointed annually.”
Committee members will serve three-year terms; no individual shall serve more than two consecutive terms. One member will be selected annually. 

Volunteers Needed:

1 (1 open slot)

Experience Required:

4 to 6 years volunteer experience


Amelia Fernandez