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Pediatrics - Wonderfund Silent Auction Leader

Signup Deadline: 09-01-2022
Starts: 09-08-2022
Ends: 01-01-2023
Location: 921 SW Sixth Ave, Portland, OR 97204 volunteer opportunity location


The Annual Conference (AC) planning committee is seeking a volunteer to lead the Wonderfund Silent Auction, held during the conference, November 18-20, 2022 in Portland, OR. The AC Silent Auction was originally created to benefit the purchase of our Journal Title, Pediatric Physical Therapy, and then Academy scholarships. The Academy successfully purchased the Journal title in 2017. Proceeds from the auction going forward benefit the Wonderfund. Initiated in 2019, the Wonderfund goal is to create an endowed corpus to fill unmet equipment needs for children with diverse abilities, served by our members. The Wonderfund Silent Auction leader will work with the AC Events & Exhibits Chair, planning committee, and volunteers to secure donations and organize and lead the auction event in Portland during the Annual Conference. Conference registration and up to 2 nights hotel expenses covered. Applicants should have strong communication and organizational skills. Experience with fundraising and donor solicitation is a plus. If interested in this position, please email your CV to Nancy Oberg at ACevents@pediatricapta.org.


Community outreach
Onsite assistance at a meeting
Social media

Volunteers Needed:

1 (1 open slot)

Experience Required:

4 to 6 years volunteer experience


Christina McCoy
APTA Pediatrics