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Pediatrics - Co-Chair: Development and Communication

Signup Deadline: 12-31-2023
Starts: 02-01-2024
Ends: 01-31-2026
Location: Online Opportunity


If interested in this position, please send your CV to Dora Gosselin, PT, DPT, PhD at dora.gosselin@duke.edu.

Work in tandem with current Chair to share new information, activities and opportunities that emerge from the work of the Academy’s Practice Group. Examples include Fact Sheets, Webinars, ChoosePT products, Clinical Practice Guidelines and Knowledge Translation work. This committee is also responsible for sharing opportunities, announcements, and updates from the Special Interest Groups of the Academy.


Content development/review

Volunteers Needed:

1 (1 open slot)

Experience Required:

4 to 6 years volunteer experience


Christina McCoy
APTA Pediatrics