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APTA Geriatrics CEEAA Hybrid Administrator

Signup Deadline: 12-19-2023
Starts: 01-01-2024
Ends: 12-31-2024
Location: Online Opportunity



The hybrid CEEAA Course is expected to include an online series of five modules and one in-person capstone weekend with three supplementary live webinars (referred to as the “CEEAA course”).

Content and administration of the CEEAA courses are maintained on behalf of APTA Geriatrics by the course Administrator.

Duties of Course Administrator:

      Enthusiastically support the hybridization of the CEEAA courses, providing recommendations for physical space and inventory, as requested.

      Support the Regional Course Coordinator staff with content, physical space and equipment, and faculty expertise needs.

      Work amicably with CEEAA faculty in preparation for on-site and in-person capstone weekends.

      Collaborate, when requested, with In-Person Regional Course Administrators to ensure consistency, where applicable, between the hybrid CEEAA courses and in-person CEEAA courses.

      Recruit, vet, and train new faculty, as appropriate.

      Remain current with professional standards and competencies and notify APTA Geriatric’s staff of any news that impacts course content immediately.

      Determine hour-by-hour breakdown of teaching and lab responsibilities for in-person capstone weekend.

      Coordinate assignment of all CEEAA hybrid optional live webinar course instructors and in-person capstone lab instructors and establish responsibilities with an objective of equal distribution of duties among the instructor pool. Share faculty assignment document with APTAG office upon completion.

      Identify who will be the lead instructor for each capstone weekend and notify APTAG office as  soon as possible.

      Oversee, or appoint the lead faculty member to oversee, the setup of all laboratories and practical exams and assure easy flow of participants through all stations.

      Oversee and assist, as needed, with packing of all materials at end of course. Ensure  packing lists and shipping labels are accurate and ready for return shipping.

      Submit expense forms and original receipts as identified in the policies and procedures and in accordance with approved budgeted expenses.

      Assure adherence to policies pertaining to physical therapist assistant participation in courses and use of materials.

      Determine CEEAA equipment needs for each course and equipment needed for practical examinations. All needs must be communicated with APTAG office 8 weeks prior to the course. Requests for purchases must be approved by the Executive Director and/or BOD depending on cost.



Volunteers Needed:

1 (1 open slot)

Experience Required:

No experience


Kim Thompson
APTA Geriatrics