APTA National - Research Awards Subcommittee 2025

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APTA National - Research Awards Subcommittee 2025

Signup Deadline: 08-16-2024
Starts: 01-01-2025
Ends: 12-31-2026


Note for applicants:

  • APTA's Research Awards Subcommittee is seeking two members to serve a two-year term. 
  •  Applications will be de-identified by name.
  • CV/resumes should not exceed five pages. Anything beyond five pages will not be reviewed. 
  •  Applicants are encouraged to thoroughly complete all sections of the application.


The Awards subcommittees will apply the criteria established by the Board of Directors (Board) for each association honor and award to each nomination received for each award under its purview and make recommendations to the Board regarding award recipients.


The Board of Directors’ determined charge for each Awards subcommittee is to:

·       Review award nominations* received for each award that falls under the subcommittee's purview against the applicable criteria established by the Board.

·       Recommend potential recipients to the Awards Committee for final review.

·       Review and make recommendations on proposals for new awards applicable to the subcommittee's award category and provide feedback on the utility of the criteria and measurement tools for existing awards within the subcommittee's purview.


*A nomination is the packet of materials submitted to APTA in response to the association's annual call for nominations for its honors and awards program. Each subcommittee works independently to review the received nominations that fall within its purview.


**A recommendation is what each Awards subcommittee brings to the Awards Committee after it has completed its review of all nominations for each honor or award under its purview. The Awards Committee will submit recommendations to the Board. It is the Board's responsibility to either accept or reject recommendations.


This subcommittee will review nominations received for the Research Awards category.


Qualifications for Appointees

Candidates must be:

•    A Physical Therapist or Physical Therapist Assistant member in good standing. 



This subcommittee meets virtually two times in the first quarter of each year. Additional virtual calls will be scheduled as needed.


Size of Appointed Group

Five members.

Terms of Appointees

Individuals appointed to a subcommittee shall serve a two-year term. No individual shall serve more than two consecutive terms on the same subcommittee.

All APTA appointed groups will conduct their work with the American Physical Therapy Association’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in mind and in the context of (1) APTA's Mission, Vision, Strategic Plan and House of Delegates and Board of Directors adopted positions and policies; and (2) the potential for their work to have implications related to physical therapist assistants, women, diversity, and risk management.

Volunteers Needed:

2 (2 open slots)

Experience Required:

No experience


Amelia Fernandez