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Pediatrics - Professional Development Social Media Representative

Signup Deadline: 10-04-2023
Starts: 10-05-2023
Ends: 10-01-2026
Location: Online Opportunity


If interested in this position, please email your CV to Tricia Catalino, professionaldevelopment@pediatricapta.org.

A social media representative works with their leader to select information that will be shared on APTA Pediatrics social media channels. The representative communicates this information to the social media content creation team by inputting information into a spreadsheet. Social media representatives from all the groups within the Academy meet virtually as a team with the social media chair periodically.


Content development/review
Public awareness
Social media
Student opportunities

Volunteers Needed:

2 (2 open slots)

Experience Required:

No experience


Christina McCoy
APTA Pediatrics