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APTA National - Coding and Billing Expert

Starts: 06-16-2020


APTA National - Coding and Billing Expert

APTA Members Only
Applicants should submit a CV
Coding and Billing experts will serve for a two year term. May serve multiple terms

Coding and billing is an integral aspect of physical therapist practice. Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes that accurately describe the delivery of physical therapist services have evolved over time. The presence of these codes and the values assigned to them impact the viability and the sustainability of physical therapist practice. APTA staff and member Advisors have been active participants in the CPT and AMA Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC) process since the early 1990s. APTA seeks to expand member involvement in coding and billing strategies considered and adopted by APTA. To that end, APTA is seeking members with knowledge of, and an interest in the CPT and/or RUC processes to apply to act as coding and billing member experts. APTA coding and billing member experts will engage with APTA staff and with CPT and RUC Advisors to advise on coding and billing strategy for APTA. 


Strategic planning

Volunteers Needed:

4 (4 open slots)

Experience Required:

1 year or less volunteer experience


Alicemae Bell