Minnesota Chapter

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APTA MN - Treasure Nomination July 2024 - June 2027

Signup Deadline: 01-31-2024
Starts: 07-01-2024
Ends: 06-30-2027
Location: Online Opportunity


This application can be used to nominate yourself or another member

APTA MN Treasurer


  1. To be responsible for all Chapter funds and Chair of the Chapter Finance Committee. 

  1. Shall be bonded, and the Chapter will pay the expense of bonding. 

  1. Share regular financial reports with the Board of Directors. 

  1. Provide financial reports to the membership on an annual basis as well as upon request. 


Term of Office 

This is an elected three-year position. Election takes place every third year. An individual can serve no more than two terms in the same position and no more than three consecutive terms on the Board of Directors. Duties are assumed July 1. 



The following responsibilities are in addition to those of a Board member: 

  1. Monitor all financial records of the Chapter. 

  1. Chair the Finance Committee. 

  1. Responsible for long-range financial planning. 

  1. Responsible for Chapter budget process. 

  1. Prepare reports to the Board of Directors and membership on financial matters. 

  1. Monitor necessary legal forms. 

  1. Submit financial reports to the APTA. 

  1. Oversee Chapter financial investments. 

  1. Monitor and preform periodic audits of the accounts payable and the bank statements. 


Financial Commitments (suggested): 

  1. Promote and support the MN PT PAC 



  1. Member in good standing in the APTA and APTA MN. 

  1. Preferably has served as a committee member for at least two years. 

  1. Has sufficient knowledge of APTA MN structure to direct inquiries to the appropriate committee/areas of responsibility. 

  1. Commitment consistent with the Chapter's strategic plan and goals. 

  1. Has good planning, organizational, and leadership skills. 

  1. Has effective oral and written communication skills. 


Attendance/Workload Expectations 

  1. Spring Conference (in person presence on the day of primary conference programming). 

  1. All Board of Directors meetings are attended remotely via video conferencing. The Board meets a minimum of six times per year. Meetings are typically 2 hours in length and scheduled in the evening. The Board will likely meet twice in person for Strategic Planning retreat in the fall and typically in June. Meetings are currently the 4th Tuesday of the month.

  1. All Executive Committee meetings. The Executive Committee meets a minimum of four times per year virtually.

  1. Coordinating Council meetings, divisional meetings and occasional Board retreats. 

  1. The Treasurer may spend an average of 2 hrs/week in addition to the meetings described above on APTA MN related tasks. 



Submit a resignation in writing to the Chapter President. 



Dismissal is by the Board of Directors. Grounds for dismissal include: 

  1. Noncompliance with Chapter policies and procedures or unethical conduct as outlined in the APTA Code of Ethics. 

  1. Failure to perform the duties as delineated in this position description. 

  1. Failure to attend committee meetings 




Volunteers Needed:

1 (1 open slot)

Experience Required:

2 to 3 years volunteer experience


James Leahy
Minnesota Chapter