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MA Chapter: Public Policy: ATC Scope of Practice Work Group

Signup Deadline: 11-01-2019
Starts: 11-02-2019
Ends: 01-01-2023
Location: Online Opportunity


As some may already know, AT legislation is currently trying to expand their practice act - the current language proposed includes adding treatment of illness and treatment in the industrial care setting.
We are looking for 2-3 more duel credentialed AT/PT individuals who are interested in helping a sub committee of the Public Policy Committee work towards taking a stance and finding a language which better aligns with the AT education training.
Research and find more information about this topic at both state and federal level, develop a white paper which embodies the APTA's stance based on the research findings, meet with legislators, and develop goals with specific action plans around opposing/changing the proposed AT practice act language while still maintaining an amiable and positive working relationship with NATA.

Attend all subgroup meetings/calls (quarterly)


Community outreach
Federal Agencies
Membership development

Volunteers Needed:

3 (3 open slots)

Experience Required:

No experience


Alyssa Williamson
Addison Gilbert Hospital