Volunteer Opportunity Details

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APTA National - ChoosePT Presence at Today Show in NYC for PT Month

Signup Deadline: 09-22-2023
Starts: 10-12-2023
Ends: 10-12-2023
Location: Online Opportunity


We're looking for enthusiastic volunteers interested in being part of the outdoor (possibly indoor) audience at the TODAY Show in New York City, NY on Thursday, Oct. 12.  Members will be encouraged to spread the word about National Physical Therapy Month and will receive an ChoosePT t-shirt. You’ll be joined by APTA President Roger Herr and CEO Justin Moore.

Volunteers are encouraged to sign up only if you will be available on Oct. 12 and are located in close proximity to New York City. You should plan to be available from approximately 6 am- 9 am. 

APTA staff will be coordinating with a student from the APTA New York chapter for onsite logistics. Volunteers will be contacted ahead of Oct. 12 to collect t-shirt size information and to relay day of meeting information.

Have questions? Contact public-relations@apta.org.


Community outreach
Public awareness
Social media
Student opportunities

Volunteers Needed:

25 (2 open slots)

Experience Required:

No experience


Colleen Fogarty