APTA is seeking eight members to serve on the APTA Awards Committee.
The Awards Committee provides strategic counsel to the Board of Directors regarding the APTA Honors & Awards Program.
The Board of Directors’ determined charge for the Awards Committee is to:
· Submit an annual report to the Board of Directors that includes subcommittee recommendations for award and scholarship recipients.
· Submit a report to the Board of Directors, annually as necessary, with recommendations to improve the APTA Honors & Awards Program, based on the committee’s annual program review.
· Identify potential APTA Honors & Awards Program revisions and improvements by performing an annual program review, including but not limited to:
o Review of award and scholarship descriptions, criteria, application materials, and application processes.
o Review of subcommittee scoring rubrics, evaluation procedures, and recommendation processes.
o Consideration of potential new awards and scholarships.
o Consideration of awards or scholarships to be discontinued.
o Consideration of ways to engage or leverage past award and scholarship recipients.
· Ensure that the APTA Honors & Awards Program recognizes outstanding contributions to the profession and association, with consistent and inclusive processes that create a positive member experience.
· Serve as ambassadors for APTA, actively encouraging nominations for awards and scholarships and assisting in recruitment of subcommittee member volunteers.
The committee chair will serve as master of ceremonies at the APTA Honors & Awards Ceremony.
All APTA appointed groups will conduct their work with the American Physical Therapy Association Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in mind and the context of (1) APTA's Mission, Vision, and Strategic Plan, and House of Delegates and Board of Directors adopted positions and policies; and (2) the potential for their work to have implications related to physical therapist assistants, women, diversity, and risk management.
The Awards Committee comprises one APTA Board member as chair and the chair from each of the following eight APTA Honors & Awards Program subcommittees:
· Subcommittee on Advocacy Awards.
· Subcommittee on Catherine Worthingham Fellows.
· Subcommittee on Education Awards.
· Subcommittee on Lecture Awards.
· Subcommittee on Practice and Service Awards.
· Subcommittee on Publication Awards.
· Subcommittee on Research Awards.
· Subcommittee on Scholarship Awards.
The Awards Committee meets each quarter. Other meetings may be scheduled as needed.
The Awards Committee will have nine members: one APTA Board member as chair, selected by the APTA president, and the chair from each of the eight APTA Honors & Awards Program subcommittees. The APTA president serves as ex-officio (APTA bylaws: Article VI, Section 4, A). Please note this opportunity is only open to current awards subcommittee members.
Committee members will serve a one-year term; no individual shall serve more than three consecutive terms.
Proviso: The initial Awards Committee members will start their terms as of Jan. 1, 2024.
Questions? Email memberengagement@apta.org.