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Pediatrics - ACE SIG Vice Chair

Signup Deadline: 02-29-2024
Starts: 03-01-2024
Ends: 03-01-2027


If interested in this position, please email your CV to Heather Lundeen PT, DPT, EdD at hmlundeen@umary.edu.

The purpose of the ACE SIG is to create a forum where individuals with interest and expertise in academic and clinical education can interact, share, discuss, and disseminate information related to the ongoing improvement of professional pediatric physical therapy education. 
  • The Vice-Chair assumes the duties of the Chairperson if the Chair is absent.
  • The Vice-Chair assumes assignments as delegated by the Chair.
  • The Vice-Chair, in consultation with the Chair, recommends the establishment or task forces to facilitate the accomplishment of SIG objectives which are reviewed annually.
  • The Vice-Chair collaborates with the ACE SIG SNP Liasion to develop strategies to recruit and retain additional members. 
  • The Vice-Chair notifies membership when RF SIG officer terms expire and will accept nominations/volunteers for officer positions prior to elections.
  • The Vice-Chair attends ACE SIG business meetings at CSM and APPT annual conference as able.
  • The Vice-Chair attends ACE SIG leadership meetings scheduled by the Chair. 



Volunteers Needed:

1 (1 open slot)

Experience Required:

2 to 3 years volunteer experience


Christina McCoy
APTA Pediatrics